CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. New Nutrition, Food Safety Institute to be Developed at OSU

    other that has been created. It broadens the perspective of food safety from on the farm to the home ...

  2. Look to Research-Based Data for Usefulness of Ag Products or Practices

    It's not as clear cut as the word out there seems to suggest." The take-home message: Use ...

  3. Farm Science Review: Sharing the Garden with Bees and Their Imitators

    the home garden, pest control strategies, managing tree fruits, container gardening, rain gardens, ...

  4. Benefits of Organic Mulching Extend Below the Soil Surface

    such as those often found around newly constructed homes. Wood pallets, on the other hand, with a high ...

  5. Alternative Green Certification Systems Favor Ohio's Timber Industry

    Green Building Standard from the National Association of Home Builders recognize other rating systems or ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-27

    but in these cases SCN is present. The take home message here is if you want to reduce the impact of ... home grown soybean hay may be less than the cost per unit of nutrients for purchased ‘beef quality’ hay ...

  7. Brazil Experiences with Rust Offer Insight for U.S. Growers

    take-home tips that were revealed during the trip to Brazil include: • Timing of fungicide applications is ...

  8. Pre-Show Workshops Part of Nursery Short Course/CENTS Agenda

    returning home. Learn what others have done to immediately boost their profits and how you can increase ...

  9. Iceland President Returning to Ohio to Raise Climate Change Awareness

    globalization is bringing such environmental impacts closer to home. "We are linked globally. What is being ...

  10. Drying Foods at Home

    Come learn more about basic home food preservation using dehydration methods! ...
