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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    by using flotation tires, duals and reducing tire pressure because key research in this area was done ... by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research also showed that tracks can do a very good ...

  2. Foliar Fungicide Application in Field Corn- A 2014 Update

    in stressed corn? Answer 3.  I know of no research data showing conclusively that fungicides lead to ... fungicide application in the absence of disease. Summary results from 8 years of fungicide research- up to ...

  3. Tips and Resources for Completing Your Honors Plan

    that is tailored to your specific interests, your area of research, and your major. Complete all ...

  4. Putnam County to Celebrate 10 Years of Farm Safety Education • Monroe County-- September/October, Beallsville Elementary School, contact Bruce Zimmer at (740) ...

  5. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    habitat conditions and events occurring in previous seasons. My research focused on seasonal events and ... My research objectives were to 1) assess winter habitat conditions of breeding Yellow Warblers using ... research has shown that male Yellow Warblers with more breast streaking are more territorial and achieve ...

  6. Boosting Soybean Yield/Profits Involves a Mix of Management Practices

    trials evaluated 14 different products at six sites and showed an average yield increase of over 6.5 ...

  7. Meat Emulsions

    researchers have observed solubility of the salt soluble muscle proteins with increased pH. Other researchers ...

  8. Use of Phosphates in Sausage

    effects on flavor, some researchers have indicated that phosphates, particularly at high levels, result in ... water.  However, some research suggests that phosphates may only affect free cations (having no effect on ...

  9. Presentations and Videos

    States: Subnational Disparities in Economic Well-being and Their Significance for Research and Policy by ...

  10. Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs

    2003 We used the nutrient composition table from the National Research Council (2001) for 24 feedstuffs ...
