CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2025 Corn-Soybean Day

    industry professionals seeking the latest row crop insights and research.  Speakers included Mike Estadt, ... businesses and industry leaders were on-site for networking and engagement. On top of that, participants had ...

  2. Soil Health Webinar Series

    Zooming into soil health via a producer, an educator, and a researcher lens (January 16, 2025- 8-9 ...

  3. ACEL thanks alumni, friends for gifts

    our programs and support our students, faculty, and research efforts. Donations to the department’s ... general operating fund, student scholarships, research initiatives, graduate student support, and more ...

  4. Farewell: Gunadhish Khanal

    insights that complemented the scientific research. Beyond the science, I also gained valuable experience ... in research management and administration. I truly appreciate the support, collaboration, and ...

  5. Online Backyard Poultry Course

    browser versions can play mp4 files. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at ...

  6. New Extension Forage Agronomist

    professor and Extension state specialist, her lab focuses on applied forage systems research that helps ...

  7. USDA ATRU meeting

    200 (Wooster) USDA Janeen Polen Application Technology Research Unit All hands meeting Friday, ...

  8. Neurodivergence in Entomology: A Panel Discussion (CFAES DEI Speaker Series)

    entomological research interests center on the evolution of sexual reproduction and mating systems. His hobbies ... dissertation research uses genomic and morphological tools to better understand the evolutionary history and ... researchers. In both her work and her free time, she is passionate about neurodiversity, insects, and writing- ...

  9. Vinny Flavius Cervilieri, MS

    and has experience in research, client engagement, and project management. Vinny has worked ...

  10. Demystifying Research: What is Digital Humanities? (Virtual Event)

    method(s) may be useful for your research? In this workshop, Leigh Bonds will provide a general overview of ... stage of their programs will learn about the methods applied to humanities research, the resources and ... About the Series:  Demystifying Research: Practices and Strategies for Graduate Students  Does the ...
