CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. What is Gypsum and How Does it Improve Soil?

    SENR Professor   Warren Dick is studying the use of fluidized gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on ...

  2. Post Doc-Staff Awards

    category: First place: Sourav Chakraborty, “Evaluation of the Fluorometric Probes Dichlorofluorescein (DCFH) ... and Amplex Red for Quantitation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Plants”; Pierluigi Bonello, ... category: Third place: Sourav Chakraborty, Plant Pathology, “Detection of Methyl Jasmonate in Ash Phloem ...

  3. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Boasts New Sessions

    impacts to recycling manure nutrients-- will be a new feature of the Conservation Tillage and Technology ... include the Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural ...

  4. Matthew C. Roberts to Speak at the 2013 Northern Soybean Expo in Fargo, ND

    markets. He also tracks energy and agricultural commodity markets as part of the AEDE's Agricultural ...

  5. OSU Outreach and Engagement Forum

    the university. The event is free and open to the public. A listing of programs participating in the ...

  6. Internship archives

    Seema Jain (right), Wooster High School student and ORIP summer intern in the Department of Plant ... Baysel-Gurel on a biocontrol project: Shelf life study of Trichoderma hamatum 382. ...

  7. Seminar: Volatile components of bird preen gland secretions and community-level interactions in disease transmission Mary Garvin

    By Mary Garvin ...

  8. Ohio's Invasive Species Seminar Series

    online   Each evening seminar qualifies for 2 hours of Ohio Forest Tax Law Credit ...

  9. ASABE Student branch meeting

    Where: Room 148 of Ag. Engineering Building   ...

  10. Seminar: David Francis, Associate Professor, Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Breeding for resistance to bacterial diseases of tomato. Fisher 121 (Wooster) and Kottman 244 ...
