CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. NEWS: Ohio State ATI top two-year college in Ohio for graduate salaries

    Homeroom, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education, has released a state-by-state list of two-year colleges with the highest graduate earnings, and Ohio State ATI tops the list in Ohio and ranks number three nationally. The list was based on ...

  2. News: Ladonna Whitt wins OSU Distinguished Staff Award

    Ladonna Whitt, floriculture technician at The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute (Ohio State ATI) and formerly of Enon, is the recipient of a 2014 Distinguished Staff Award from Ohio State University. The Distinguished Staff Award reco ...

  3. Highway to heaven? Roadsides as preferred habitat for two narrowly endemic crayfish

    Rhoden, Cody M., Christopher A. Taylor and William E. Peterman. 2016. Highway to heaven? Roadsides as preferred habitat for two narrowly endemic crayfish. Freshwater Science 35(3):974-983. William Peterman Journal article Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Terrestri ...

  4. 2016-23


  5. OSU Food Science Department represented at IFT Annual Convention

    Many members of the Food Science department attended the Institute of Food Technology annual convention in New Orleans in June. Our students competed in poster presentation competitions and in the College Bowl competition. The following is a list of the s ...

  6. Diet disparities, family meals, and “eating for change”: Results from a mixed-methods study in North Carolina

    The Department of Sociology presents Dr. Sarah Bowen, Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University. Dr. Bowen will present "Diet disparities, family meals, and “eating for change”: Results from a mix ...

  7. Emotional Vampires at Work

    professional development hours. If you have questions, contact the OSU Leadership Center at 614-292-3114 or ...

  8. 2017 SENR Graduation Reception

    All graduating SENR undergraduate and graduate students are invited to attend the annual SENR Graduation Reception.  ...

  9. October 17, 2016


  10. Navigating Difficult Conversations

    for individuals seeking professional development hours. If you have questions, contact the OSU ...
