CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Are you seeing purple wheat?

    Some farmers in northwest Ohio have noted purple-reddish leaves on their wheat crop (see picture). If your wheat plants turned purple, here are a couple of things to note: Environmental: Was the shift in color fairly sudden and widespread in the field? If ...

  2. Swine Facility

    The Ohio State ATI swine program  includes a 24-sow farrow-to-finish operation that produces 500 market hogs and feeder pigs annually. The farm produces over 1500 pigs each year with approximately one-half of those being finished on the farm.  Pigs are we ...

  3. OSU Junior Swine Day

    For full details and a registration form, please consult the flyer. ...

  4. Jenna Odegard's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Jenna Odegard, MS candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science. Her presentation will be "The Role of Functional Diversity in Biotic Resistance of Non-native Fishes and Invertebrates in Lake Erie Coastal ...

  5. The Most Interesting Professor Drinks Ohio Eggnogg

    Stay thirsty for Ohio dairy products, sayd Rafael Jimenez-Flores, Ohio State's dairy chair. ...

  6. Be The One to Access Extension Information


  7. The Most Interesting Professor Drinks Ohio Eggnogg

    Stay thirsty, Buckeye friends! ...

  8. Thank You to Our Supporters

    CFAES students thank supporters ...

  9. Be The One, Version One

    Advice for first year students from graduating seniors ...

  10. Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Climate Change and Sustainability in Agriculture

    Lal, R., D. Kraybill, D.O. Hansen, B.R. Singh, T. Mosogoya and L.O. Eik (Eds.). 2016. Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture. Climate Change and Sustainability in Agriculture. Springer 717 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-41238-2 Rat ...
