CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



The page you are looking for could not be found. Here are some suggestions

  1. Morning with the Masters: Enrich Your Backyard Habitat for Birds

    44515 This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more information call ...

  2. Darke County Health Dept Offers Newborn Home Visits

    community resources- at no cost to you. Newborn home visits will be provided around three weeks of age. This ...

  3. Morning with the Masters: There’s More to Succulents than Hens and Chicks

    Sebring, OH 44672 This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more ...

  4. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference Celebrates 10 Years

    conference connects women of all ages to not only each other but also to meaningful informational resources ...

  5. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    Peggy Kirk Hall, Director, Agricultural and Resource Law Program and Ryan McMichae l, Agriculture ... and Natural Resource Educator, Mercer County, The Ohio State University Drones, or more accurately ... is available on the FAA website. 4. Federal laws require registration and tracking technology for ...

  6. Morning with the Masters: Integrated Pest Management

    44442 This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more information call ...

  7. A Note from David Civittolo

    pesticide recertification trainings, or preparing for Ohio 4-H enrollment. There’s never a slow season for ...

  8. Vinny Flavius Cervilieri, MS

    Educator, Urban Agriculture & Natural Resources and Community Development ... and has experience in research, client engagement, and project management. Vinny has worked ...

  9. Considerations for Soybean Trait Programs in 2025

    that it is the growers’ responsibility to ensure that only these products are being applied, regardless ... of who is making the application. In these letters, potential steps were listed in response to not ...

  10. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference Celebrates 10 Years

    conference connects women of all ages to not only each other but also to meaningful informational resources ...
