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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Carbon capture potential and environmental impact of concrete weathering in soil

    objective of this research was to conduct a laboratory experiment and evaluate the environmental impacts and ... conducted with four treatments comprised of: 1) 100 % soil (S treatment), 2) 90 % soil and 10 % concrete by ...

  2. Demystifying Research: What is Digital Humanities? (Virtual Event)

    stage of their programs will learn about the methods applied to humanities research, the resources and ... method(s) may be useful for your research? In this workshop, Leigh Bonds will provide a general overview of ... trainings available to learn more, and the transferable skills developed through this work.   Register Now ...

  3. We are Beyond Ready for Ohio 4-H Week!

    clubs in your county and share county-specific 4-H requirements for youth. Contact information for ...

  4. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    PART 1 OF 3: BOX TREE MOTH (BTM) SERIES ENT-0099 Agriculture and Natural Resources 01/29/2025 Joe ... F. Boggs, Agricultural and Natural Resources Educator and Assistant Professor, The Ohio State ... University Extension, Hamilton County / OSU Entomology Ashley Kulhanek, Agricultural and Natural Resources ...

  5. Understanding and Addressing Burnout in Academia [WEBINAR]

    Applied Sciences, Berlin   Dr. Tijana Perović is an academic policymaker and cardiovascular researcher ... spectrometry and cancer research. Olya co-founded Dragonfly Mental Health (2019) and Sci.STEPS mentorship ...

  6. Wenxi (Vince) Yang, PhD

    a dedicated researcher with a strong foundation in food science, analytical flavor chemistry, and sensory ... Urbana-Champaign, where his doctoral research focused on chemical composition, descriptive sensory, and ... research contributions extend across multiple food systems. His work involves the identification and ...

  7. 4-H Volunteer Make Up Training

    Any 4-H Volunteer who has not yet completed annual mandatory 4-H volunteer training MUST attend.  ...

  8. GROW your knowledge and support your community: Master Gardener and Naturalist Training Programs This Summer!

    connect with fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Consider joining the Master Gardener Volunteer Program or Train ... share that new understanding, these engaging programs offer advanced training from OSU specialists and ... MASTER GARDENER VOLUNTEER TRAINING: covers soils, botany, insects, pollinators, fruit and vegetable ...

  9. Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    and Natural Resources 02/06/2025 Gary Y. Gao, Professor and Small Fruit Specialist, Ohio State ... University Extension, South Centers Thom Harker, Research Associate, Ohio State University Extension, South ... Centers Ryan Slaughter, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ross ...

  10. 4-H Camp Counselor Training

    Camp Counselor trainings are the second Thursday of every month, until June, at the Jackson County ...
