CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Symptoms of Early Maturity in Some Fields in Ohio

    maturity due to high SCN populations.  Based on several recent surveys in the state, one from my lab and ...

  2. Dairy Service Unit Scholarships Due


  3. Arranging an Energy Audit for your Home or Business

    assessment. Most audits include a blower door test that shows air infiltration in the building. Items often ...

  4. 2006 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    Steve DeBruin (Veterinarian for Assen Dairy LLC; Feeder Creek Veterinary Services), Dr. Maurice ...

  5. Prospects for “Muddied Corn”

    corn plant’s yield potential. According to the National Crop Insurance Service’s defoliation charts, ...

  6. Ohio State University Extension Announce Two Corn Colleges Set For January 2015

    Agricultural Services Building, 1025 Harcourt Road, Mt. Vernon, OH from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Deadline for ...

  7. Effect of Increased Somatic Cell Count on Herd Level Yield of Milk and Milk Components

    determined in previous research that SCS has a better relationship than SCC with milk loss (Wiggans and ...

  8. Science of Appearance

    defoliated your plant. Research at the Ohio State University has shown that plants bloom and insect emerge in ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-38

    5.            Apply fall fertilizer per soil test and Tri- State Fertility recommendations for at least 76 ... Grow the best wheat you can grow utilizing  best management practices(ie: soil testing, fall  fertility ... information will lead us to trial new MRI concepts in 2014.  Among the concepts up for test in 2014 are ...

  10. Alpha Sigma Upsilon (ASU) Recruitment Event- Service Crafts

    The sorority women of Alpha Sigma Upsilon would like to welcome our fellow agricultural ladies to our winter recruitment events! ASU is a sorority that focuses on sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership in the agricultural industry. https://www.facebook.c ...
