CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Horse Information Due: ID Papers and pictures, lease agreements, and rules acknowledgement


  2. Dog Information Meeting


  3. Dog Information Meeting


  4. Second Annual Student Council Pumpkin Carving Contest

    honors being awarded to the Ohio State Meats Judging Team. Other highlights included classic fall ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-21

    of the wheat already harvested in the southern part of the state and harvest has begun in many of the ... Considering the wet weather that occurred across the state during the flowering and grain filling period this ... agents have assessed the level of Fusarium head scab in the state. This year 116 fields in 19 Counties ...

  6. Establishing Alfalfa and Weed Management

    Mr. Jeff Stachler, Extension Agriculture Educator, Auglaize County, The Ohio State University ...

  7. EPA Proposing Carbon Pollution Standard for New Power Plants

    United States and currently there are no uniform national limits on the amount of carbon pollution that ...

  8. IAFP annual conference

    Providence, Rhode Island More information and registration details here. ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-07

    planting days. Stating it in another way, one of the major impediments to large or small farm operation ... herbicides in soybeans. Our research generally indicates that the first half of April is an ideal time to ... and chickweed (which is not controlled by 2,4-D). Our research shows that the combination of ...

  10. Help Targeting Excellence Raise Scholarship Funds In Ohio!

    Ohio Sporting Clay Scholarship Classic September 7, 2017 8:00 am- 5:00 pm Last year was the first event held in Ohio with the goal of raising money to award scholarship awards to students studying animal agriculture. Students are encouraged to attend/volu ...
