CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. East Branch Sugar Creek Watershed

    Staff members have lab and research experience with collection and processing of manure, soil and water ...

  2. Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Review

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. Pre-show tickets are $5 at all OSU Extension county offices. ...

  3. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Delaware

    people effectively. And there's already some research out there that speaks to us, but this would be ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-12

    and 10 (boot) is the threshold level for applying a fungicide. Research has shown that if disease ... flooding reduces the amount of oxygen available to the plant. Research has shown that oxygen concentration ... soybean crop. Research from Minnesota shows that flooding for 6 days or more may result in a significant ...

  5. Teen Driver Safety Education Program

    research indicates that much can be derived from using volunteer work for educational purposes. Youth that ...

  6. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    seeds that are tiny are quick to dry and may be ready to save right off the stem.  A little research ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-19

    vomitoxin harmful and how toxic is it? Vomitoxin research on humans is prohibited for legal and moral ... tassels green snap problems generally disappear. Back in the 1990’s, Nebraska researchers observed that it ... and grain yield. Iowa State University researchers forced V10 corn to “root lodge” at a 45 degree ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-36

    However our research at OARDC Northwest Experiment Station indicates that subsoiling does not immediately ... trees has shifted hosts to attack apples. Andy’s larger research goals are to understand the genetic ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Talk about stepfamily challenges early and often (for October 2006)

    Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Family Fundamentals, ...

  10. Chow Line: Your nose knows ripe cantaloupe (for 7/2/06)

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey ...
