CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Farewell Vaírton Radmann

    studies at the Lal Carbon Center. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Rattan Lal for the ... for creating the opportunity to meet Dr. Rattan Lal, as well as for the exchange of ideas and for the ... sustainable agriculture in the world, Dr. Lal. Thank you very much! ...

  2. 25th Annual Central Ohio Perennial School Registration is now OPEN

    where we explore a diverse range of topics centered on perennial gardening.  Dr. Laura Deeter, Professor ... showing you the benefits of gardening in the shade. Dr. David Shetlar, Professor Emeritus of Urban ...

  3. NIFA: Graduate Research

    project with Dr. Ye Xia and Dr. Rattan Lal for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. She  spent ...

  4. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Annual Conference & Meeting

    on hot topics in the forage industry. Keynote speakers will include Dr. Chris Teutsch- Forage ... Professor from The University of Kentucky, new State Extension Forage Specialist- Dr. Emma Matcham, Dr ... University, Dr. Camren Maierle- Sustainability Director for the American Lamb Board, Jessica D'Ambrosio- ...

  5. Wenxi (Vince) Yang, PhD

    Wenxi (Vince) Yang, PhD Postdoctoral Associate Dr. Wenxi (Vince) Yang is ...

  6. AEDE Agribusiness Club gains industry insights through field trip over winter break

    further build our networks. Being able to meet and make connections with people who are in industry and ...

  7. CFAES News | 2.19.2025

    written by panelist Dr. Alice Laciny.  Understanding AD(H)D Webinar  | February 21st | 10–11:00 a.m. Gain ... they problem solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even ...

  8. Tackle the Big, Hard Stuff, Not the Easy Little Stuff—Your Farm or Agribusiness Will Be Better For It!

    business. Habits are ingrained actions or behaviors that people perform regularly or as a response to some ... Matthews, M.D. & Kelly, D.R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of ...

  9. About Linda Lobao

    localities, households, and individuals; and in turn, how people respond to the market/state changes they ...

  10. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    Horticulture and Crop Science:  Sumita Sen and Frolence Fidelis.  Sumita is a first-year PhD student in Dr ... . Osler Ortez's  Lab and Frolence is a first-year master’s student in Dr. Eric Stockinger’s Lab. They ...
