CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Join CFAES in Washington, D.C. for the Big Ten Ag Alumni Reception & New CFAES Pre-Reception

    University of Nebraska, and the University of Wisconsin. Reconnect with your alma mater and learn how our ...

  2. Agronomy Educational Program Listing

    Many dates for agronomic educational programs being held in the upcoming months can be found at  ...

  3. The First 30 Days- Orienting New Employees

    get off to a good start. The good start depends more on orientation than on how much work the person ...

  4. Laura Bond's Graduate Defense Seminar

    gravel conditions that can alter the patterns of storm runoff. The objective of this study was to explore ...

  5. Manure Boom Application Field Day July 18th

    in operation for live demonstrations.  The application of manure to a growing corn crop can expand ... semi-tankers and the pumps on the frac tank can supply manure for two nutrient booms running at the same time. ...

  6. Wet Pattern Forecast in June Continues as Expected

    can be a challenge getting crops out with wetter than normal conditions and this may occur again this ... fall. We will update this in the coming weeks to month. You can get the latest soil moisture, hydrologic ...

  7. Time to Evaluate Soybean Stands

    trials. Target stand and actual stand can vary considerably depending on planter calibration (or lack ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

    Ohio State to determine if direct equivalency can be given for the course.   What if I want to take ... clubs and organizations to join.  You can participate in intramural sports, Ohio State athletic events ...

  9. Earth Day at ORWRP

    refreshments will be served in the morning and lunch will be served when work is done.  Volunteers can sign up ...

  10. Wet Fall and Warm Winter Leave Abundance of Manure Farmers Can Use as Crop Nutrient

    University Extension researcher says farmers can utilize a portion of their manure to replace commercial ... fertilizer on wheat and corn crops, a practice that can also protect the environment. Saturated fields have ... whose research deals with manure as a source of nutrients for growing crops, said farmers can turn ...
