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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of July 12

    County Road 43, Fremont. Information:, 419-334-6340 or 419-332-5142. Aug. ...

  2. Ohio State Receives $2.6M NSF Grant for Unique Research in Africa's Threatened Sahel Region

    turn maintains a more diverse and potentially beneficial microbial community and may aid crops during ...

  3. Ohio Programs Support 'Joining Forces' for Military Families

    and for the first time we may not be able to accommodate all who would like to participate." ...

  4. Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform

    May 23, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- As the government debates the details of welfare reform, a national ... "Employers who employ low-wage workers may not be able to pay them high wages or to offer low-cost health ...

  5. International Relations Bringing Agribusiness Skills to Africa

    development approaches that may be adaptable in the Tanzanian setting," said Tom Worley, coordinator of ...

  6. Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock

    May 24, 2010 PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension horticulturists at OSU South Centers ...

  7. Radon

    aeration devices, however, radioactivity collects on the filter, which may cause a handling hazard and ...

  8. Don't Wait to Control Marestail

    resistance marestail may exhibit in a grower's field. Not all plants in a field or all fields in Ohio ...

  9. Ag. Organization Looks to Strengthen Industry's Technology Future

    issues, new developments and research advances that may impact the way they do business. A new Ohio ...

  10. Some Wheat Yellowing from Stress

    triggered this problem." Specialists believe that extremely dry weather during planting may be to blame ...
