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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. April 18, 2016


  2. 2016-08


  3. Software Evaluations

    very difficult.  While it runs somewhat better on a Mac, it also may have contributed to a serious ... readily selected and exported into a new Excel or text file for further analysis.   Although heat maps are ...

  4. 4-H End of the Year Paperwork and EXTREME Honor Member Forms Due


  5. Fungicides May Aid in Quicker Turf Growth, Healthier Grass

    summer to establish turf from seed may get a boost from fungicides, according to an Ohio State University ... quality and increased speed of establishment by two weeks. The results may be beneficial for high school ...

  6. Drought-Stressed Crops May Pose Risks to Livestock

    for nitrate levels just to be on the safe side. "Take tissue samples in those fields that one may ... not be certain about, or of those drought-stressed plants that may have experienced recent ...

  7. April 11, 2016


  8. Family Fundamentals: Parents can help teens learn to manage their money (for May 2007)

    May 18, 2007 My children are entering their teen years, and I want to help them learn to properly ... Johnson FamFund.may07.teenfinances.pdf ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Start with Extension for credible relationship guidance (February 2011)

    then, especially when dealing with new situations. But you're right, sometimes it can be hard to ...

  10. Drupal Options: Blogs, Webforms and Newsletters

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