CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Food & Fashion Board


  2. Home again: CFAES welcomes Bruce A. McPheron

    for agricultural administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, ...

  3. Lot 13- Pablo

    Rock N Roll Dam: Twiggys Impressive Date Foaled: May 19, 2004 Sex: Gelding Height: 15 h 3" Weight: ...

  4. Chloe Welch's Honors Defense

    sediments in the water column. This implies that through its role as a bioturbator, O. rusticus may indeed ...

  5. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference- Ashland, Ohio

    updating Ohio communities on policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food ...

  6. First-of-its-kind Wastewater Treatment System Saves Turkey Processor Millions, Protects Environment

    it's protected," said Mancl, who is also a professor in Ohio State's College of Food ... believe such a system could work well at other food-related processing facilities. "But I think we ... understand how big the system needed to be. Since most wastewater treatment systems need full redundancy to ...

  7. CD Wire- November 26, 2012

    understanding the promotion process and how to navigate it effectively will better enable you to capitalize on ... opportunities to enhance asset building. To view the webinar announcement, including how to enter the meeting ... Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State ...

  8. On-Farm Savings Not Hard to Come By, If You Know Where to Look

    less available nitrogen over-winter to leach and end up in a stream or lake." Many farmers report ... than it is to re-start it. Of course, results may change in extremely cold weather." • Be mindful ...

  9. Food Safety Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Abby Snyder- 740-253-0181 Monday, August 21, 2017- 8:00am to Tuesday, August 22, 2017- 5:00pm ...

  10. 2017-34

