CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio's Corn Benefited Little from Hurricane Katrina

    drought-damaged. "Some of the late-planted corn may have benefited from recent rains, but on a large scale, ... the crop season is over for corn," said Thomison. "In fact, there may be some cases where ...

  2. Online Challenge Can Help 'Kick Off the Pounds'

    participated in a similar challenge in the spring, Treber said. "People appreciate how easy it is to ...

  3. NEWS- Four with Wooster connections honored by CFAES

    Gorocica has made astounding advances in his career endeavors with the food producing animal pharmaceutical ...

  4. Four honored with CFAES Awards

    Gorocica has made astounding advances in his career endeavors with the food producing animal pharmaceutical ...

  5. May 12th 4-H Cake Decorating Clinics

    4-H Cake Decorating Clinics 4-H Cake Decorating participants join us in a 2-part series covering basic skills and final tips to complete and be successfull at project judging. Bring your project book and questions. Hands on activities and lots of giveaway ...

  6. Columbiana County ANR Impacts

      Back to Columbiana County Highlights and Impacts Back to Columbiana County Highlights and Impacts ...

  7. Ohio Long-Term Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Trials: Grain Yields

    modifications may be necessary as we continue to collect more data. On-farm fertilizer response trials are ...

  8. Fourth Annual Ohio State Fair Commercial Pen of 5 Market Lamb Show

    be allowed to show but no shearing will be allowed). Shearing of lambs prior to May 1, 2014 is highly ...

  9. Columbiana County EFNEP Impacts

      Back to Columbiana County Highlights and Impacts Back to Columbiana County Highlights and Impacts ...

  10. AEDE Launches New Student Service Center

    Associate Dean of Academic Services in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) ...
