CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Brent Richards – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    in developing countries may improve that particular country’s labor force participation rates. While ...

  2. Strategies to Help Control Mastitis to be Discussed at Dairy Conference

    affecting milk quality (it has less protein, a shorter shelf life and may be more acidic); it costs the ...

  3. Survey Says: Ohio Consumers Willing to Pay for Organics

    "With organic regulations now standardized, more consumers may be switching to organic products. ...

  4. Wheat Yields Excelled in 2005 Ohio Performance Test

    Test may prove helpful in the decision-making. Yields excelled for the 60-plus varieties of soft red ...

  5. OSU South Centers Program Helps Boost Rural Development

    individually," said Snyder. "We recognized these issues and realized that the keys to economic growth may ...

  6. Miscanthus Being Evaluated as Potential Ohio Biomass Crop

    May 10, 2010 PIKETON, Ohio – Corn isn't the only plant being explored in Ohio as a potential ...

  7. 2016-13


  8. Chow Line: Know your numbers when taking calcium (for 12/20/09)

    that symbol that are made from unrefined oyster shell, bone meal or dolomite; they may contain lead or ...

  9. Chow Line: Be smart, informed when eating out (for 5/13/07)

    May 4, 2007 I'm trying to lose weight, but it's hard when we eat out. Any tips? Join the ...

  10. Chow Line: Choose healthful fast-food options (for the week of 6/8/08)

    May 30, 2008 As I chauffeur the kids to and from summer activities, I tend to eat more fast food ...
