CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. $5 Million Bioenergy, Bioproducts Project Offers Opportunities for Ohio Teachers

    in the project are New York, Maryland and Delaware. Any educator may apply to be a part of the ...

  2. Late-planted Soybeans Slightly More Susceptible to Insect Feeding Issues

    is just starting to come out, and some of those fields may have a large population feeding." Hammond ...

  3. Turf Tips: May 25, 2016


  4. Sample of Course Content

    Marseilles sent his report to the town and the nation. The bread contained 20 alkaloid poisons, 3 of them ...

  5. May 2016


  6. Seed Vigor Assessment Quicker, More Accurate with New System

    August 29, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A new system that assesses seed vigor may improve the way seed ... tried-and-true variety they use year after year goes bad. It may say 80 percent germination on the package, but ...

  7. New Ohio Tax Good for Economy, Economists Say

    August 24, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new Ohio tax, part of a sweeping tax reform, may bring about ... encourages savings. While a consumption tax may dampen sales a little, the negative effect of this is offset ...

  8. OSU Extension to Lead Ohio Farm to School Program

    false COLUMBUS, Ohio – As students head back to school, they may be eating more fresh Ohio foods in ...

  9. New Phytophthora Research to Speed Up Plant Protection

    devastating soybean diseases may enable germplasm companies to incorporate effective genes more quickly into ... soybean cultivars that yield consistently, no matter what race of Phytophthora may be present in ...

  10. February 5, 2017

