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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2018-02


  2. Lauren Hostert's Graduate Defense Seminar

    natural enemies may be due to lower densities or diversity of predators, parasites or pathogens, there are ... many alternative mechanisms that can reduce the predation pressure that a non-native species may ...

  3. Adjusting Soybean No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    may present some challenges by the time fields are dry enough for traffic again, especially if they ... burndown situation in April can become pretty hairy by the first two weeks of May.  Second, in the rush to ...

  4. Anti-crop bioterrorism: Ohio State expert says be aware, not alarmed

    would rise, and trade may be lost with other countries. For instance, when karnal bunt, a minor wheat ... supply.” For now it’s focusing on response and detection. Its report to USDA is due in 2002. Until then ...

  5. January 21, 2018

    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."- Nelson Mandela ...

  6. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

      Vexing, Wicked, Intractable & Emerging Water Issues in Ohio-- yes, we may have a few! ...

  7. Soil Sampling Only Way to Catch Silent Robber of Soybean Yields

    November 23, 2005 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Soybean rust may have been the talk in crop fields across Ohio ...   Deemed the "silent robber of yields," soybean cyst nematode may be in the shadow of soybean ... fields are not yielding as well as they have in the past," said Mills. "A grower may say, ...

  8. Researchers Seeking Alternative Uses for Soybeans

    March 13, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- There may be more uses for soybean oil than just as a food product. ... and petroleum prices being high, it may be beneficial to the farmers and the industry if we can find ... in developing industrial products, then they may be of more value," said St. Martin. ...

  9. CD Wire- December 3, 2012

    Annual EEET Summary Report, the postmark deadline is December 14. Click  here  for complete information ... the University Policy (staff) were revised, effective July 1. You may find your individual situation ...

  10. January 14, 2018

    One week down, only fourteen more to go!  ...
