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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio State University Offers Agritourism Safety Tips for Consumers, Farmers

    Ohio's farms each year, many of whom may not be as familiar with farms or farm safety,” he said. “And ... that there may be uneven ground in the pumpkin patches, to making sure little kids don’t run off, ...

  2. Does the Insurance Effect of Public and Private Transfers Favor Financial Deepening? Evidence from Rural Nicaragua

    The literature suggests CCTs and remittances may protect poor households from income risk. We ...

  3. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace- ONLINE (NEW) Please note, if you are unable to attend you may send someone else in your place. Cancellations ...

  4. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace- ONLINE (NEW) Please note, if you are unable to attend you may send someone else in your place. Cancellations ...

  5. In Memoriam: Dr. Charles H. Ingraham, AEDE Professor Emeritus and Undergraduate Program Scholarship Funder

    may make a memorial gift to: OSU Foundation, (Charles and Josephine Ingraham Scholarship # 603375 on ...

  6. Qualtrics at Ohio State

    Qualtrics agreement. Any faculty or staff member (or Ohio State student) may use Qualtrics by setting up an ...

  7. New Grants Target Cooperative Development

    May 15, 2002 PIKETON, Ohio- Several Ohio cooperative groups are getting a boost in promotion and ... how to take our group to the next level and move into marketing to appeal to other producers who may ... develop marketing materials. Applicants interested in forming a cooperative may request up to $1,500 to ...

  8. Steve Culman interviews with Market Day Report

    Interested in learning more about soil fertility? Having your soil analyzed is the first step to increasing profitability. Watch Steve's interview about soil sampling to learn more. Soil Fertility Soil Sampling Soil Health Videos ...

  9. Understanding Environmental Behaviors: A Modification of Value-Belief-Norm theory Applied to Nutrient Management Decisions in the Maumee Watershed

    directions, this may be just the beginning. Central to the problem is the repeated, and often excessive, ...

  10. Wetlands Director Eyes New Water

    June 3, 2010 Editor: A high-resolution version of the attached photo is available by contacting ...
