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New: BMC Genomics
Hehe Wang, A Wijeratne, S Wijeratne, S Lee, CG Taylor, SK St Martin, L McHale and AE Dorrance. 2012. Dissection of two soybean QTL conferring partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae through sequence and gene expression analysis. BMC Genomics 13:428 doi:1 ...
August 25, 2015
Welcome back Buckeyes!! ...
2014 Beef and Forage Field Night
Jackson Agricultural Research Station. Pre-registration due August 25. ...
Chris Manion, Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing, Ohio State
Helping International Students with Writing 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...
NEW: The Plant Cell
Bo Ding, Maria del Rosario Bellizzi, Yuese Ning, Blake C. Meyers, Guo-Liang Wang. 2012. HDT701, a Histone H4 Deacetylase, Negatively Regulates Plant Innate Immunity by Modulating Histone H4 Acetylation of Defense-Related Genes in Rice. The Plant Cell. O ...
NEW: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
Angela M. Orshinksy, Michael J. Boehm and Greg J. Boland. 2012. Plant wounding and Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a (OMV3a) influence infection of creeping bentgrass by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Canadian J of Plant Pathology DOI: 10.1080/07060660.2012.678886 ...
Ohio 4-H Special Needs Camp
Please download the camp brochure and registration packet for more information ...
First day of Autumn Semester 2014
Welcome to Autumn Semester! Semester and first session classes begin. ...
2014 Agronomy Field Day
Join OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center for this year's agronomy field day! Hear speakers from Horticulture and Crop Science, Entomology, SENR, and Plant Pathology discuss such topics as Alternative Forage Options ...
Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"