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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dibromochloropropane

    could experience reproductive difficulties, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. 0.20 ppb ...

  2. Chlordane

    Chlordane may persist for long periods of time in air, soil and water. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink ...

  3. OARDC Honors Best Researchers, Innovators

    Plant Pathology soybean researchers honored; Pierce Paul honored ...

  4. Turf Tips: June 27, 2014

    The plant pathology team has been busy lately! In this week's Turf Tips video, Joe discusses brown patch, anthracnose and more for high cut and golf turf. ...

  5. OARDC Eastern Agricultural Research Station 50-Year Celebration


  6. 2006

    transient assay system for gene expression and protein-protein interaction study in rice. Mol Plant Pathol ... blight (FHB) and on deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration: A multi-year field study. Phytopathology 96: S85. ... Evaluation of a disease warning system for Phomopsis cane and leaf spot of grape: a field study. Plant ...

  7. 2017-13


  8. Introduction of Dr. Luis Moraes, A New Faculty Member at Ohio State

    Dr. Maurice L. Eastridge, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Dr. Luis Moraes joined the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University on December 15, 2016. He grew up in Brazil w ...

  9. New Infographics available

    Infographics are a quick visual way to convey information.  Check out the new infographics for produce safety statistics and for determining if a farm qualifies for FSMA regulations or is exempt.  Available in both English and Spanish languages. ...

  10. ScienceWriters2014 Features SENR's Gehrt, Wetlands

    This year, the ScienceWriters conference is being hosted by The Ohio State University, October 17-21. SENR Associate Professor and Wildlife Extension Specialist Stan Gehrt will be presenting Coyotes in the Loop: A Close-up View of Survival in the Urban Co ...
