CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-2013

    increase from 7.8% to 10.7% depending on the region and land class. Barry Ward Policy brief Thursday, May ...

  2. 2018-13


  3. TWEL Sarah Lehnen Dissertation

    configuration. In this dissertation, we (1) tested the extent to which shrubland birds may be area sensitive, (2) ... may have used multiple patches within the season. Banding and telemetry data also indicated that ...

  4. TWEL Justin Brown Thesis

    the change in ranking of buffer habitat across seasons suggests that coyotes may have switched habitat ... nevertheless were the primary nest predator in the area and may influence Canada goose populations. To ...

  5. Livestock Producers Encouraged to Attend Heart of America Grazing Conference

    a one-day event where you come in the evening before, with some interesting presentations over dinner, and ...

  6. Scarlet and Gray Ag Day Partners with Mid-Ohio Foodbank to Inspire Hunger Heroes

    Foundation and $250 from Campus Crusade. Additional food donations and monetary support have come from Glory ...

  7. Ohio State First-time Recognition at Stockman Contest

    at this contest since I have been here and I am proud of the students’ efforts.” Culp now knows what ...

  8. Review Session to Discuss Ins and Outs of Direct Marketing Meat

    producers, Mechling said. “People want to find out where the product is coming from and ask questions,” he ...

  9. Countering the Shale Energy Boom/Bust Cycle in Ohio

    the short and long-term, a new policy brief from The Ohio State University suggests. Without action, ...

  10. Jan. 27: Free OSU Webinar on Algae Blooms and Land Use Practices

    Extension’s Mercer County office, will review the latest research on cover crops and how they may help reduce ...
