CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2018-12


  2. Review Session to Discuss Ins and Outs of Direct Marketing Meat

    producers, Mechling said. “People want to find out where the product is coming from and ask questions,” he ...

  3. Jan. 27: Free OSU Webinar on Algae Blooms and Land Use Practices

    Extension’s Mercer County office, will review the latest research on cover crops and how they may help reduce ...

  4. Planting Scabby Wheat

    what I will recommend: 1- Avoid planting scabby wheat, but if you absolutely have to or choose to  2- ...

  5. Countering the Shale Energy Boom/Bust Cycle in Ohio

    the short and long-term, a new policy brief from The Ohio State University suggests. Without action, ...

  6. Farmers’ Breakfast: What’s New in Precision Ag?

    Presenter:  John Fulton.  Cost: FREE, includes hot breakfast. Pre-registration required. ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series

    and Natural Resources, who will present Why Planting Trees May Worsen Global Warming? Managing lands ...

  8. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    described for an insect and opens new doors for discovery of mechanisms used by the midge for survival. For ...

  9. OFVG Congress Offers Latest in Ag Technology

    businesses and opening new worlds in production management. Those hungry for the latest in innovative ... a new spin in insect and disease diagnostics by incorporating the latest in digital imagery and data ... University Extension Agricultural and Natural Resources Program Director. The session, "New Technologies ...

  10. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    1999). When deciding whether to share money with another person, we consider the income at our disposal. ...
