CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Burndown Herbicides for No-tillage Wheat

    now in wheat stubble or above the soybean canopy may be producing seed, but these are not the plants ... be effective on them anyway.  Where wheat is planted into a fallow situation, it may be necessary to ...

  2. Victoria Chen wins Emerging Service-Learning and Emerging Community Engagement Awards

    May 5, 2013. Emerging Service-Learning Award The Green Building Service-Learning Program – Victoria ...

  3. August 21, 2018

    Hope you had a great first day of classes!  ...

  4. Fall Fire Safety

    unique risks to the fall season’s festivities.  Simple precautions may be taken to prevent injury this ...

  5. Express Services

    with a short time window, not all questions can be answered and may require scheduling an appointment. ...

  6. Janie Hatfield 4-H Scholarships Due April 1, 2015

    of paper with name and address below the photo. (Photo may be used for newspaper articles.) ...

  7. Ohio State livestock judgers turn setback into success at the NAILE

    and reporting their poorest performance of the year, placing 15th, Ohio State turned their setback ...

  8. Express Services

    with a short time window, not all questions can be answered and may require scheduling an appointment. ...

  9. OSU Extension Offers Tractor Safety Training Course

    Labor that require young workers to have some form of training when working on a farm, said   Dee ...

  10. Nematodes in Corn Could Be a Growing Problem for Ohio Corn Yields

    encourage bacterial and fungal pathogens to enter the plant, she said. "When present and in high ... and Ohio State University Extension. "However, losses due to nematodes often may go undetected or ... may be attributed to other causes. "In corn, nematode problems are usually very difficult to ...
