CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Rural Residential

    may be times where it is okay to leave log jams and streamside vegetation both to reduce your ...

  2. Fertility Management Focus at Conservation Tillage Conference

    needs to keep in mind. This presentation is designed to help producers recognize what aspects of their ... manure for the nitrogen, but may forget about the phosphorus and potassium being added to the soil as ...

  3. OARDC Scholars Professional Development

    200 (Wooster) Nelly Arguello, HCS Williams Hall, 479-790-6019 Repeats every week every Tuesday until Tue Apr 03 2018. Tuesday, March 13, 2018- 3:30pm to 5:00pm Tuesday, March 20, 2018- 3:30pm to 5:00pm Tuesday, March 27, 2018- 3:30pm to 5:00pm Tuesday, Ap ...

  4. Ohio Food Forum

    The Ohio Food Forum will bring Ohio’s food producers and buyers to the table on Thursday, May ...

  5. FFW Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  6. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    about what can influence markets in the upcoming year and how to better prepare your operation for the ...

  7. Wyandot County Office of Economic Development

    we strategically research existing supply chains and regional industries to target and recruit new ...

  8. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    classify income by source and link sources to appropriate use (Thaler, 1999). When deciding whether to ...

  9. Can’t Tell Trees Apart? Sign Up by Friday to Learn

    which is which when the Ohio Woodland Stewards Program presents “Name That Tree,” a workshop on ...

  10. The February Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connections Webinars Are Now Available for Viewing On Line.

    New Herbicides, Recommendations for Marestail and Palmer Amaranth controls plus making herbicide ...
