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Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”
program. When I came to OSU, I was charged with building an international footprint and I believe that we ...
Chow Line: Menopause weight gain not inevitable (for 4/17/11)
OH, 43210-1044, or Editor: This column was reviewed by Jennifer Even, ...
Mulch Options Exist for Tomato Growers
going to create problems with weeds," said Grassbaugh. "When the newspaper got wet, it was ... with fungicides and herbicides. The study was then replicated and mulches were applied without chemical ...
4-H Holds Ohio's First Multiple-Handicapped Camp
life skills in a fun-filled environment. Being a typical kid is what it's all about and it was no ... For Missy Sprankel, the five-hour drive from Erie County was well worth the trip to see her ...
Chow Line: Alcohol/weight gain interaction complex (for 10/16/11)
Columbus, OH, 43210-1044, or Editor: This column was reviewed by Hugo ...
Chow Line: Reduce risk linked to fresh produce (for 10/23/11) Editor: This column was reviewed by Lydia Medeiros, food safety specialist with Ohio State ...
Chow Line: You can get enough iron without meat
Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH, 43210-1044, or Editor: This column was ...
Beef Carcass Live Show
Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors Informational Meeting