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Turf Tips: August 1, 2014
Turf Disease Updates- Summer ...
Turf Tips: August 14, 2014
Turf Disease Updates- Summer ...
November 12, 2017
AEDE Undergraduate Students Participate in Commodity Trading Challenge
same software I used when I was a broker,” said Roberts, “everything about the Challenge is real except ...
Tagged to Teach Ag Day
Thank you for your interest in Teach Ag Day! The program for 2013 was held on September 26, 2013. ...
Learn to Manage Manure Effectively at Manure Expo, July 9
Handling Expo July 9. The free event will held at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio, from ...
Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics
a major contributor to Ohio's economy. The value alone of the milk produced in 2003 was $588 billion, ...
Genetically Modified Organisms- Feeds and the Food Chain
dispensed into single use syringes. This bST was introduced in February, 1994 and today, Monsanto is selling ...
Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?
also found no difference in udder cleanliness scores, although there was a trend for docked cows to ...