CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Link Found Between Lycopene and Poor Seed Quality in Tomatoes

    graduate student Gerardo Ramirez-Rosales found that abscisic acid was the likely link between high lycopene ... where science was helpful in beginning to understand how the process works and what we can do to solve ...

  2. Piketon Endeavor Center Now Open

    of the American Society for Quality was the first to use the Endeavor Center to conduct business. ... center." The Endeavor Center project was funded by grants from the U. S. Department of Commerce's ...

  3. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

    started in 2007 and continuing to date was Ohio's first truly functioning water quality trading ...

  4. Endangered Species Act


  5. February 25, 2018

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.    ...

  6. 2014 Ohio Wine and Grape Conference

    Located at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.  Featured Speakers will be J-L Groux, Dr. Gavin Sacks, & Dr. Tony Wolf.  To register contact Christy Eckenstein at 617.728.6438 or  You don't want ...

  7. Winter 2018 Achievements Edition


  8. A Snapshot of Migration: How one Mexican village is benefiting from its impacts

    started migrating because there was a need to progress. In order to progress we had to leave, and ... community's elders. Aguilar was among a handful of residents who gathered in the village square on a warm and ... Educators. The informal gathering was part of a Mexico Extension Study Tour, sponsored by Ohio State's ...

  9. February 18, 2018


  10. Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block grant, was conducted to determine the ... the past, the Ohio nursery industry was not growing its own whips because the growing season is too ... production. The company, which was using standard poly greenhouses, was able to double its production of tree ...
