CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dragons Can Fly

    During late August and September, some of our Ohio dragonflies migrate southward.  Although it has been ...

  2. Late-Season Wheat Grain Quality Concerns

    second or third week of July. A slow, gradual maturation of the crop could mean excellent yield and grain ...

  3. Taylere Bernett's Honors Defense

    Vegetation data was evaluated on treated and control plots by measuring tree basal area, ground cover, ...

  4. Ohio Noxious Weed Law

    country, and the goal is to prevent establishment here (Russian thistle, musk thistle).  Canada thistle was ...

  5. March 4, 2018

    Only one full week of classes before spring break!  ...

  6. July 15, 2017 ABC-2 Monthly Module

    Agenda Video (time in video below) Presentations Adapting to ever-changing demands from consumers, the business climate, and external threats and opportunities (Carole R. Engle:10) Opportunities in Ohio to increase profitability from aquaculture (Matthew ...

  7. Extension Program to Broaden Knowledge of Geospatial Technology

    information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and other data-recording and analysis tools. ...

  8. July 2017


  9. Public Speaking and 4-H

    grown up with computers and cell phones.  I can remember in middle school that I was that shy student ... closer to Easter Sunday I can remember it was always a painstaking task for me to say my Easter speech ...

  10. Major Specializations

    environment. The United Nations report, “Our Common Future” defines sustainable development as “development ...
