CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Achievement Record Workshop


  2. 2014 Ohio Grape & Wine Day, Kingsville

     Focus on vine protection and winter injury recovery. Details. ...

  3. The Good News: Feed Costs Have Declined Over the Past Year

    the key nutrients was estimated using SesameIII software and break-even prices of commodities and ...

  4. New Website Helps Ohioans 'Live Smart'

    information that is based on the latest research.” The site was also designed to be mobile-friendly, so users ...

  5. New Precision Agriculture Device Provides Clues to Crop Health

    August 8, 2001 LONDON, Ohio-- Growers may be able to determine the overall health of their crop by ...

  6. New Youth Beef Cattle Show Targets Market Performance

    to the Junior Beef Show at the Ohio State Fair August 12, 2006. The show focuses on the combination ...

  7. Precision Agriculture, From Old to New, at Farm Science Review

    August 23, 2007 LONDON, Ohio-- Precision agriculture technology, from familiar to new equipment, ...

  8. Ohio Joins the National AgrAbility Program

    August 18, 2009 LONDON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension has received a 4-year, $720,000 ...

  9. Beef Cattle Competition Teaches Youth Farm to Market Management Techniques

    which begins in December and culminates at the Ohio State Fair the following August, teaches Ohio 4-H ...

  10. Ohio State Team Takes 'Buzz Lightyear' Snack Idea to Anaheim

    program. When the competition was first announced in November, the team members didn't take long to ... service establishments. One of the requirements of the competition was that each entry had to incorporate ... it was ready for testing. "The crackers initially were really hard," Jones said. "For ...
