CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. COSI Farm Days, August 9 – 13

    COSI brings the farm to the city during Farm Days. Learn where your food comes from by meeting local farmers and climb aboard tractors and even a combine. You can also test your driving skills on a pedal tractor course and even milk COSI’s fiberglass cow, ...

  2. Tips for Sweet Success: Topics Set for Ohio Maple Days

    and Questions ” led by Graham at 3:30 p.m., featuring a yearly report on the maple industry in Ohio, ...

  3. Reminder about late-season scouting for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp

    was most prevalent- far southern Scioto County and an area along the Madison-Fayette County line north ...

  4. Help Future Alums Move in on August 19th

    Remember moving in to the residence halls when you lived on Campus? Come and roll out the scarlet carpet for OSU students and their families, as they can start the 2017-18 academic year and have fun with other Buckeye alumni!  ...

  5. MGV State Conference Registration CLOSES AUGUST 15- ONLINE ONLY

    If you haven't already, time is running out to register for Grow Your Own Way, the 2017 State Master Gardener Conference which will be held on the OSU Campus in Columbus. Conference dates are: Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30. Friday w ...

  6. Cleaner, Safer Produce? Program for Farmers is April 14

    payable by cash or check, with checks made out to “OSP.” The registration cost is lower than it was for ...

  7. Ohio State's Endeavor Center Bolsters Southern Ohio Economy

    incubator. Wastren was one of its first tenants. "WAI was created as a subsidiary of an older, ...

  8. Chow Line: When alarms sound, balance risk, benefits (for 9/10/06)

    and Drug Administration did, in fact, issue a warning after E. coli O157:H7 was found in one brand of ... Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH, 43210-1044, or This column was reviewed ...

  9. Chow Line: Vitamin C and iron are great partners (for 5/11/03)

    May 4, 2003 The last time I gave blood, I was surprised when they told me that citrus fruits were ... Filipic, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1044, or Editor: This column was ...

  10. Now is the Time to Check Your Nozzles

    thorough coverage of the canopy”. There was no help with explaining what “thorough coverage” is, and how to ...
