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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Food & Fashion Board


  2. 2017-22


  3. Christmas Trees Living Large: A Photo Tour in Secrest Arboretum

    carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, a help in fighting climate change, according to the National Tree ... moist, well-drained soils. Mulch can help keep its soil cool.     Snyder suggests planting any of the ...

  4. Professor Carl Zulauf: Farm Bill Debate Intertwined with Broader Policy Discussion

    country, will lead to ad hoc disaster assistance to help livestock producers deal with much higher feed ...

  5. Fall Pansies One of the First Plants to Usher in Spring

    April 11, 2002 Editor: Photos are available by contacting Jodi Miller at (614) 292-9653 or ...

  6. Delay Fall Alfalfa Cuttings to Replenish Supplies Next Spring

    struggling to provide adequate forage supplies for their livestock since April, when a freeze reduced the ...

  7. Corn Planting Behind Schedule

    April 25, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Recent wet weather conditions are working against Ohio growers in ...

  8. Chow Line: MyPlate offers tips for adding fruits, veggies (for 6/26/11)

    ads or online sites for store sales. This might be especially helpful when trying something new: Even ...

  9. OSU Extension Supporting 'Women and Money' Programs

    involvement, she said. "State Treasurer (Jennette B.) Bradley is committed to helping Ohio women gain ... Extension Family and Consumer Sciences has been a part of helping women learn about money matters for years, ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Plan Now for Your 2006 Holiday Spending (Dec. 2005)

    Your Money" that can help. The lessons are free online at Lesson 3, ... entitled "Stop Spending Leaks," can help you keep spending in line. Family Fundamentals is ...
