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David Marrison
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership; ...
Nicole Arnold
interventions, risk communication, and food preservation Academic Connections Department of Food, Bioprocessing ...
Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshop
your farm. Workshop topics include: Developing Goals for Estate and Succession; Planning for the ... Transition of Control; Planning for the Unexpected; Communication and Conflict Management; Legal Tools and ... Strategies; Developing Your Team; Getting Your Affairs in Order; and Selecting an Attorney. The base $80 ...
Trauma Informed Approach Training Sessions Planned
connect with those we serve. There will be multiple opportunities for Extension professionals to receive ...
Aloha to the 2024 ASHS Conference
Science (ASHS) Conference was an action + knowledge packed adventure for the many HCS students, staff ... presentations each. Lauren Seltsam won third place in the graduate student oral Plant Growth Regulation ... student oral Floriculture Competition for his research on " Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated From ...
Sustainable Economy: Concepts and Methods
AEDECON 4330 The course introduces students to core concepts of sustainability in economics and ... the quantitative methods necessary to understand and evaluate sustainable development. This is a core ... upper-level course in sustainability concepts and methods developed specifically for the EEDS major. Based on ...
New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham
working with OSU students to develop their crop management and data interpretation skills, since students ... skilled scientist Emma was as a graduate student in this department a few years ago. And, she has already ... programs, securing grant funding, graduating students, and publishing scientific papers. She is also highly ...
Change in EEET Paper Processing
The Learning and Organizational Development team has developed a new process for submitting paper ...
Engaged Scholarship Symposium – Nov. 1
event will highlight faculty, staff, graduate students, and community partners who are co-creating ...
4-H Sewing Skills Clinic
share her experiences and help with some skills. Take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions ...