CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Phomopsis Seed Rot Showing Up in Ohio Soybeans

    to take hold," said Dorrance, who also holds an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  2. Receive Certified Livestock Manager Training at CTC

    Northern University in Ada, Ohio. The event is sponsored by OSU Extension, the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  3. November 30, 2015


  4. OSU Analysis: State's Green Energy Efforts Unlikely to Create Large Numbers of New Jobs

    and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center appointments. "The report outlines ... and research and development for long-term growth." Partridge added that the subsidy funds could ...

  5. Communiqué February 18, 2011

    issues are decided. Bringing unbiased, research-based information to those who need to make important ... agbioscience researchers and Extension professionals. ATECH aligns their expertise with marketplace needs. If ... agricultural engineering, and he is respected throughout the nation as a distinguished researcher, educator, ...

  6. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    assume that it is always possible to use an adjuvant once corn has emerged.- Based on our research with ...

  7. Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Hybrids Create Planting Challenges

    State University research and studies conducted at other land-grant universities, treatment was less ... ongoing research on new herbicides and technology may offer additional options in the future. Corn is one ...

  8. FSR Hot Topics: Cost Containment, Bioproducts, Nanotechnology

    Ohio Bioproducts Innovation Center (OBIC), a new research alliance that integrates academia and ... University Extension, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and the academic units of the ...

  9. Corn Residue an Option if Forage Supplies are Short

    Ohio State livestock researcher with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, has ...

  10. Coping with Canada Geese? Learn How to Control Populations at Farm Science Review

    and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. It attracts upwards of 140,000 visitors ... commercial exhibitors, and learn the latest in agricultural research, conservation, family and nutrition, and ...
