CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



The page you are looking for could not be found. Here are some suggestions

  1. Employers on Campus

    Employers on Campus is a new opportunity for students to interact with potential employers. Come to the new CFAES Student Success Center and Library in the Agricultural Administration Building and meet with employers, no appointment required. EOCs have be ...

  2. Volume 12 Issue 4


  3. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    Do you have equine experience, want to gain more, or just love horses? The Horsemen's Association has presenters and social events directed toward giving members a peek at every aspect of the equine industry.The next meeting is Tuesday the 7th at 6pm ...

  4. New Changes to APV Laws. Get the Details at Farm Science Review

    University Extension, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. It attracts upwards of ...

  5. Long, Painful Recovery for U.S. Dairy Farmers

    Thraen, who also holds an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "We ...

  6. Grad Publications 2006-2009 Palumbo, R., Hong, Hu, Craig, Locke, C. Krause, Tay and G.L. Wang.  2007. Target Region ... plant-microbe interactions.  Cell Research 16:413-426. ...

  7. Volume 12 Issue 3


  8. Towers Blood Drive

    The annual Towers Blood Drive will be held April 1  from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the Ag Admin auditorium. Click here to register and help save a life! ...

  9. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed

    Experience OSU for a Day (EOFD) allows prospective students to get a feel for what college is really like. Prospective high school students visit CFAES frequently and there is a great need for volunteers to show them around. High school students will shad ...

  10. Communiqué May 25, 2011

    research and credible program evaluation that can be used to market the program and include pilot data in ...
