CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. StrengthsFinder

    International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program to help readers identify ...

  2. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    research facility for students and faculty. The time period for my assignment was Aug. 14-31. The following ...

  3. Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices

    increase in public and in private agricultural research and development spending. The world will not have ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-37

    very high levels in some fields.  In my own research plots- the trouble symptoms are plants that are ... 19, 2014- Akron, John S. Knight Center; and March 6, 2014- Columbus Convention Center.  For driving ...

  5. Communiqué September 25, 2013

    together with researchers, academicians, and community leaders. To inform research questions and translate ... available to identify emerging research questions, connect with campus faculty to find answers, and take ... findings to the field for immediate application. While a few innovators adapt research findings with ease, ...

  6. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 3


  7. News


  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-03

    before green up because the weather in February and early March very frequently determines the fate of ... growth habit to improve their fit where competing with other plants. Recent research at Michigan State ... University has shown genetic variation within and among dandelion populations. Additional research is being ...

  9. Student Position in the OSU Laboratory Animal Resources Biomedical Research Surgical Unit

    Responsibilities include cleaning, inventory, assisting with veterinary procedures and animal care. There will be many opportunities for learning animal handling and care. Starting student wage $9/hour. They are willing to work with student class schedule ...

  10. News

