CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    This upcoming weeks meeting for Horsemen's Association will be Tuesday September 6th introducing members to OSU Horse Barn's herd. The meeting will be at OSU Horse Barn (3658 Kays Avenue Dublin, OH 43017-1542) off of Sawmill road. We will be mee ...

  2. Gurd Assumes Leadership Role for CFAES Advancement

    Meet Andy Gurd, the new chief advancement officer of  The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. ...

  3. You’re Invited: CFAES Speed Networking Event

    You are invited to participate in the CFAES Speed Networking Event, 6-7:30 pm Wednesday, Sept. 14, in Kottman Hall Lobby. The event is hosted by the CFAES Career Development Office and the CFAES Advancement Office.  ...

  4. You’re Invited to the CFAES VIP Alumni Tent at Farm Science Review 2016

    Coming to the Farm Science Review? Stop by our VIP alumni tent. ...

  5. Welcome Back, Students!

    The Ohio State University welcomes students back to campus for Autumn Semester 2016. ...

  6. Enjoy An Evening of Ohio Wine and Food for Ohio 4-H!

    An Evening of Ohio Wine and Food, The Ohio 4-H Foundation's annual fundraising event, is Oct. 22. ...

  7. New to View: What Would You Tell Your Freshman Self?

    Find out what six CFAES seniors would tell their freshman selves in this short video. ...

  8. Olentangy Corridor Gardens

    a wealth of plant material for use in research, teaching, and enjoyment. It features early spring ... a singular opportunity. A transformed river corridor will be an active research and learning corridor; ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-16

    control of grasses and certain broadleaf weeds.- University research has shown that the critical period of ... these situations based on findings of Illinois and Wisconsin research. A good source for more ... cultivation. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The researchers who conducted the study which is the basis for these ...

  10. Ohio State Food Science Student Receives $25,000 STEM Scholarship from Monsanto

    To encourage the pursuit of careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and agriculture, Monsanto awarded scholarships totaling $250,000 to 10 students this fall through the Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship program. The Monsanto G ...
