CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Winter and Backyard Birds: Keep Poultry Safe During Cold Temps

    need to consider supplemental heat.  This can be done with a heat lamp or space heater.  If using ... frostbite.  Owners will need to closely inspect their birds each day to see if this is an issue.  If you have ... amount of daylight they are exposed to.  With the reduced amount of natural light, you will need to ...

  2. Managing Talent for Success: Today and Tomorrow

    needs of nine billion people addressing energy security issues providing substitutes for petroleum-based ... (and thrive) in the short run. Balancing the need to adapt for the long-term with the need to execute ... issues, our focus is on leadership competencies needed by senior management to effectively lead ...

  3. Partnerships & Community Capitals

    perspective, or other dimensions. Equity Unique resources and opportunities needed to reduce or eliminate the ... Ever Need- Social Capital: Maturation of a Field of Research- Human Capital, Social Capital, and Social ...

  4. Giving New Life to Tired Pastures

    across the pasture. It is also important to i dentify the most limiting factors that need to be addressed ... important to determine the acceptable amount of time needed to reach the desired productivity level. This is ... accomplished by identifying if improvement is needed quickly or if a longer, more gradual process of ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Event: Tourism for Tomorrow: Sustainable Solutions for Travel, Ecosystems, and Economy in Ohio and Beyond

    industry works to fulfill the varied lodging, transportation, dining, and entertainment needs of guests, ...

  6. DUNF, Hog Hair Length Form, Exhibition Livestock Producer Affidavit, Junior Fair Standards of Behavior Form DUE!!!!!

    you need the number.   Forms will be cross referenced and checked for completeness on Wednesday, July ...

  7. How to Start a 4-H Club

    provide organized leadership, ensuring that all families have the information they need to fully ... process on your own, and as a matter of fact, you cannot. You will need the help of Extension staff with ... been completed. If a volunteer is interested in starting a new 4-H club, the club needs to obtain an ...

  8. The Waddle Works: Staying On Your Feet When Ice and Snow Are Issues

    life and remain independent.            The award-winning program emphasizes practical strategies to ... walk on ice, you need to shift your center of gravity over your front leg. Bend slightly forward and ...

  9. Horse Committee Meeting via ZOOM

    If you are in need of the ZOOM link please contact Patty House at 937-398-7599. ...

  10. Speakers Bureau

    presentations to the needs of your group, or we can provide a program which is ready to go. One of ...
