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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    pressure on dairy commodity prices is not just a domestic phenomenon; the amount of milk being produced is ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    futures have just closed at $23.89 for October, $21.25 for November, and $19.20/cwt for December 2014.  ...

  3. Stewart's Wilt Predicted Low Risk

    Ohio State University research plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ... tracked to determine the risk level of the disease. Researchers recorded a flea beetle index of 91 in ...

  4. Buckeye Love 2015

    Linda Saif, a professor in the Food Animal Health Research Program and the College of Veterinary ...

  5. Slow Moving Vehicle Sign

    causes. Their research indicated a significant number of fatalities related to highway travel of slow ... moving vehicles (SMV). A research proposal written by Ken Harkness (AEOSU), and funded through the ... police cooperated in research by gathering detailed data on 708 SMV accidents. In 1962, under the ...

  6. Dry Weather Boosting Apple Quality

    the taste is just exceptional. The fruit is much sweeter tasting," said Tom Sachs, executive ...

  7. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    Research and Extension grant program in 2011. The purpose of these grants is to provide funds to encourage ... and enhance the building of winning integrated research and Extension teams from the three states that ... and innovative approaches to issues and problems best addressed through research and extension teams. ...

  8. OSU Researcher Giving Turkeys a Stronger Leg to Stand On

    researcher, studied physical and biochemical factors associated with poultry breeding to determine what ... a year in production losses. Karl Nestor, an animal science researcher from Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  9. Updating Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index Is Generating Positive Initial Results

    according to ongoing research by a soil scientist in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  10. Power Outage? Pitch Food if Uncertain About Safety

    loose ice cubes; they would refreeze into a large sheet. Homeowners who just have ice cube trays (in ...
