CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Fridays with Extension

    Classes are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. (You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to attend) Please ...

  2. Fridays with Extension

    are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. (You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to attend) Please call ...

  3. Fridays with Extension

    and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. (You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to attend) Please call our office ...

  4. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Water Reuse for Ohio’s Future: Implications for advanced industry, land conservation, and resource efficiency.

    the needs of residents and businesses. He has worked as a Sewer Systems Engineering Sections Manager, ... experience with development of public policy and financing strategies to support infrastructure needs through ... from our staff to discuss your specific needs.  Masks are optional for all event attendees at this ...

  5. Fridays with Extension

    opportunities and more. Classes are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. (You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to ...

  6. Beginning Beekeepers Class Announced

    collection along with what equipment is needed, how to handle honeybees, creating a healthy hive, potential ...

  7. Fridays with Extension! at the Fayette County YMCA

    THE PUBLIC. (You do not need to be a member of the YMCA to attend) Please call our office ...

  8. Winning 4-H Plan

    volunteers by providing resources to aid them in developing accommodation plans to meet the needs of Ohio 4-H ... Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), which is the nation’s special education law. Schools may need to ... to the parent/guardian. Parent/Guardian communicates approved accommodations with those who need to ...

  9. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    questions. Here are several points farmers need to know about dealing with UAV traveling over their ...

  10. 2025 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series

    recipient of the Distinguished Senior Award. In addition to their undergraduate studies, Noma spent several ... Gardiner Lab has published over 75 peer-reviewed publications and been awarded $8.1 M in grant support, ...
