CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Putnam County Agriculture Hall of Fame

    Ohio. Award recipients may be living or deceased. Nominations may be made in the following categories: ... may be submitted with this form. Nominations may be re-submitted in future years. Award selection each ... awards will be presented each year. An event will be held each year to induct new members into the PCAHF. ...

  2. 4-H Awards Banquet


  3. 4-H Awards Banquet


  4. DEADLINE Reservations for 4-H Awards Banquet


  5. DEADLINE 4-H Star Member & 4-H Star Club Award Forms On-Line


  6. CARTEENS: Registration Closed. Class is at capacity.

    Cancellation/No-Show/Date Change:  If you aren't able to attend your scheduled session,   you need to notify Sue Hogan ... will be moved to a future session.  If you need to change sessions, please don't register again. ... Contact Sue Hogan,, to change classes. If you need to submit payment, please click  ...

  7. Calendar of events

    information, and skills to meet the ever-changing needs of youth. Attendees have the opportunity to receive ...

  8. Belmont Breakfast Series- Pesticide Use Basics

    safely and effectively. Our ANR Educator, Dan Lima, will tell you what you need to know and answer any ...

  9. Apply today to be a 2025 4-H Camp Counselor

    for campers we need the help of amazing counselors to plan and facilitate activities! We are seeking ... Camp Counselor Application We need you to make camp an unforgettable experience,  apply  today! ...

  10. Long Cane Raspberry

    need to make quite a few improvements to our production protocol to reach the yield goal of 1.2 ... in Ohio still need to weigh the pros and cons of this system. Even though growers can potentially ... construction of high tunnels. The height of the high tunnels needs to be at least 12 feet tall to accommodate ...
