CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 'More Beef for Less Money' Highlight of Field Day

    future,” Scaife added. “If these initiatives are funded, the collaboration between OARDC and USDA ...

  2. Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?

      A National Science Foundation (NSF) rapid-response grant partly funds their research.   Workers demolished ...

  3. Club News from Around the County

    fun and laughter.  A silent auction was also held.  All funds from this annual event go to the Warren ...

  4. New Dishware Sanitizers Prove More Effective at Killing Harmful Bacteria

    the lab shortly before we used it," Pascall added. Their research was solely funded by the Center ...

  5. New Nutrition, Food Safety Institute to be Developed at OSU

    is in its early stages of development. Participating colleges have requested funding to build the ...

  6. Disease-Resistant Genes in Soybean Cultivars Losing Effectiveness Against Root Rot

    University study funded by the Ohio Soybean Council, Phytophthora sojae isolates were recovered from 82 of 86 ...

  7. Ohio State Receives $1.4 M Grant for Development of Resistant Ash Tree

    provided the funds. An accidental import from Asia, EAB is an invasive insect that has killed millions of ...

  8. 4-H Mentoring Projects 'Making a Huge Difference'

    Delinquency Prevention. The project received $82,000 in funding in 2011 and an additional $123,000 to continue ...

  9. Testing the Best Fungicide Coverage for Soybean Rust

    Soybean Council through soybean check-off funds. Farm Science Review is sponsored by Ohio State ...

  10. Survey Explores Farmers' Opinions of 2007 Farm Bill

    surveys." Zulauf said that the value of a program is closely tied to funding support. For example, a net ...
