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2016 Seed Grants
managers. This funding initiated a Lake Management Stewardship program in Medina County with potential to ...
Update on Ohio's Program for Controlling Johne's Disease
availability of several million dollars in Federal funding over the past 3 to 5 years for research in ...
Soil Scientist Lal Named University Distinguished Professor, Ohio State’s Highest Honor
supported by $58 million in grant funds. He has been president of the Soil Science Society of America, the ...
Ohio Programs Support 'Joining Forces' for Military Families
summer is still months away," Ferrari said. "Unfortunately our funding can stretch only so far, ...
Communiqué October 10, 2011
20%, federal cuts of up to 10%, and the full impact of the local government fund cuts was unknown, etc. ... in developing dynamic, innovative, broad-based 4-H educational programs. The award, funded through ... the Charles W. Lifer Excellence in 4-H Fund, is dedicated to the recognition of outstanding ...
Killing Crop-Eating Pests: Compounds Work by Disrupting Bugs' Winter Sleep
Development Fund. Additional co-authors include Ronald Nachman, Krzysztof Kaczmarek and Janusz Zabrocki of the ...
Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought
December 19, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- A recent industry-funded study estimating that development of ...
MacArthur Foundation Awards Ohio State $427,000 Grant to Analyze the Use of Reverse Mortgages and Its Impact on Older Adults
will be used to fund a three-year study that will provide a better understanding of whether, and under ...
Ohio State Experts Work with State Agriculture Professionals to Devise Water Quality Recommendations
watershed. The four-year, $1.5 million project, funded by the National Science Foundation, will combine ...
OARDC Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research
Ohio's Third Frontier Advanced Energy Program. "The BRDI funding leverages our 2010 Third Frontier ...