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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-32
and simazine treatments provide limited residual control of spring-emerging weeds, and primarily ... raise their soil pH to the high 7's. At this elevated pH, certain nutrients may become limited and ... We have somewhat limited research on the control of wild radish and wild turnip, but results so far ...
Hybrid Trials Help Fuel Growing Interest in White Corn
is the limited number of end users in the state. There are not a lot of food processors here that ...
Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn
operations are limited to strips and the area between the rows is left untilled with crop residue. ...
Careful Corn Planting Can Reduce Yield Losses
limitations the environment can put on a corn crop. Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension ...
Ohio Drought Impacting Potential Corn Yields
the impact of the current drought. However, more rain is needed to recharge soil moisture and limit ...
Tips to Get Corn Off to a Good Start
preferable when droughty soils or late planting (after June 1) limit yield potential. On soils that average ...
Late Getting Corn in the Ground? You Could Cut Back on Nitrogen
"Essentially, it's establishing a reference area in a field and removing nitrogen as a limiting factor in ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-16
provide effective control and prevent seed production, limiting their spread. Herbicides that have utility ... most influences the accuracy of these estimates is the existence of other growth-limiting stresses and ... moving. For soybean rust, there was one new find in Texas, but the area is very limited and does not pose ...
International Perspectives
Welcome! The Office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPA) welcomes international visitors to Ohio State to research and acquire technical training with faculty in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). With 330 fa ...
Ohio's Natural Resources the Focus of New Extension Program
desire for knowledge and desire to volunteer the opportunity to share what they've learned with ...