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Ohio State experts work with state agriculture professionals to devise water quality recommendations
conditions in the Maumee River watershed. The four-year, $1.5 million project, funded by the National Science ...
SBDC Progress
meets twice a week and is designed to provide an opportunity to learn a variety of skills needed to own ...
2014 Ohio Sheep Day
production and management. Ohio Sheep Day will offer visitors the opportunity to visit a successful sheep ...
CD Weekly Wire- February 4, 2013
Our ‘operating’ budgets are funded entirely by the funds we have generated and we are growing our ... lunch will be provided compliments of the OSU Multicultural Center Office of Student Life. For more ...
Cyclical U.S. Milk Production and Price in the Dairy Industry
prices. Dairy production and price cycles Quite some time ago, when I was a student in an agricultural ...
CFAES Celebration of Students Paint Party
Come for an afternoon of fun and painting. All participants will enjoy FREE snacks while they paint their own picture. An artist will instruct the participants to create a picture. Limited to 50 attendees A $5.00 deposit is required to hold your spot, but ...
November 19, 2017
Agriculture Event Will Help Farmers Brush Up on Financial Know-How
opportunities for farms to become more profitable and financially stable," said Chuck Gamble, Farm Science ...
Ag, Rural Issues Central to New Ohio State Center for Subsurface Energy
learn about the opportunities and challenges associated with its development. He said the deposit ...
Celebration of Students
Showcase your culture. Present your country. Represent your region. Share food, music, decorations, crafts, memorabilia Tuesday April 4th 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the Ag Admin Auditorium. To participate, visit the link. For more info, contact Pamela Thomas. C ...