CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. April 15, 2018

    Can you believe this semester is almost over? ...

  2. Event Recap: Towards the Measurement of Net Economic Welfare: Inter-temporal Environmental Accounting in the US Economy

    Muller provides researchers and policymakers the opportunity to assess how the social costs from air ...

  3. Livestock Producers Encouraged to Attend Heart of America Grazing Conference

    the interaction with other farmers, and from the opportunity to visit another part of the Corn Belt. ...

  4. Field Crop Programs Scheduled for Feb. 9, 14 in NW Ohio

    January 25, 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Field crop farmers will have two opportunities this February to ...

  5. Review Session to Discuss Ins and Outs of Direct Marketing Meat

    interested producers additional opportunities, said Mark Mechling, agriculture and natural resources educator ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-21

    Treatments Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw New Forage Seedings, a Unique Opportunity This Summer Soybean ... estimate future crop availability. New Forage Seedings, a Unique Opportunity This Summer With the weather ... spring weather issues offer a unique opportunity for forage growers  to be prepared to make the perfect ...

  7. Shatto Ditch

    and D. The project was initiated by The Nature Conservancy and was funded in part through an EPA ...

  8. Equicert presents Harmonized Food Safety Audit

    is provided daily, a real meat and potatoes sit down meal.  Do not miss this opportunity to build ...

  9. 2014 North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference Presentations

    Water Quality Monitoring BMP's, William Lynch Emerging NCR Opportunities The Hard Realities of ...

  10. International Society of Arboriculture honors Dan Herms

    publications to guide arborists, fellow scientists, and students in arboriculture and urban forestry," ...
