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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-18

    this type of injury. As a result, late planted corn is a riskier crop than soybean. Some other factors ... bottom. Bend a paper clip into an S-curve, pierce a rubber lure on one end and hang the other end on the ... Andy Michel, Ron Hammond While no other insects are causing major concerns at this time, some are ...

  2. Growing Season Good for Soybean Trials

    treatment are usually worth about three times more than the cost of the seed treatment." Other planting ...

  3. Field Day to Focus on Drought Situation

    we were getting too much rain and then it just stopped. Nobody is ever prepared for that." Other ...

  4. Extension Publication Teaches Importance of Animal Health and Safety

    diseases in situations where animals come into direct or indirect contact with other animals, people or ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Draft horses (for the week of 9-16-01)

    United States, can move five tons! That’s a lot of huckleberries. Other breeds include Percheron, ...

  6. OARDC Scientist Honored for Inventions; Moves 'Discoveries Closer to the Marketplace'

    “Among other innovations, Finer has invented a robotic image-capturing system that digitally captures ...

  7. OARDC’s BioHio Research Park Attracts Companies, Creates Jobs in Growing Green Economy

    has enough biomass resources to run 6,447 farm-scale and industrial-scale biogas plants. OARDC ...

  8. OARDC’s BioHio Research Park Attracts Companies, Creates Jobs in Growing Green Economy

    resources to run 6,447 farm-scale and industrial-scale biogas plants. OARDC scientists are leading the way ...

  9. Breeding Beef and Beef Feeders Family Entry Form Due Date

    Breeding Beef and Beef Feeder (Beef Feeder exhibitors must also submit a color broadside picture of exhibit animal.) ...

  10. Internationally Known Economist to Feature Ag Investing Tips at OSU Extension Seminar

    November 28, 2001 FINDLAY, Ohio- Farmers, agribusinesses, suppliers or other professionals in ...
