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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-25 of the C.O.R.N. Newsletter for more details. Other reasons for not applying any more herbicides to ... for pod feeding. This does not mean other fields, especially later-planted fields, will not have ... household pesticides, or other non-farm pesticides will be accepted. Farmers and landowners with old, ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-36
of wheat fields have shown no evidence of rust or other disease development. In addition, the number ... borer (6 preferred) and corn rootworm. There are other guidelines related to IRM, including management ... of the Bt field and non-Bt refuge, and use of other insecticides. Both the transgenic and ...
Family Fundamentals: Increasing emotional intelligence takes practice (for September 2007)
inappropriately to other factors. Psychologist Daniel Goleman introduced the concept of emotional intelligence in ... someone else is feeling. Social skills, or being able to carry on conversations and deal with others ...
Chow Line: Use marinades for flavor, tenderizing (for 7/20/08)
cooked for a long time in a liquid with wine, tomatoes or other acidic sauce, the fibers in the meat ... pineapple, kiwi or other fruits to tenderize meat. They work, but they don't use acid like in ...
Workshop Discusses Nitrogen, Soluble Phosphorus Mobility in Soils
moving off farmland will be discussed by Ohio State University experts and others during a joint workshop ...
'Research Powerhouses' Join Forces in New Multistate Venture
important educational and Extension outreach programs to stakeholders. Besides food safety, six other focus ...
Chow Line: Plan ahead to trim food budget (for 2/22/09)
other grains, and plan smaller portions of meat, poultry or fish. Many nutritionists also suggest ... and other items consumers often purchase ready-to-eat but could make themselves relatively easily. ...
Chow Line: More say: 'Yogurt, it's Greek to me' (for 4/25/10)
9 grams per six-ounce container. Nearly any yogurt flavored with fruit, vanilla, honey or other flavorings ... sticker shock. Some people swear by it, saying it's worth every penny. Others make their own close ...
Chow Line: Sensible choices good for heart health (for 2/18/07)
with many other recognized authorities, also recommends consuming less than 300 milligrams of ... both LDL and HDL particles in the bloodstream were much larger than those in other people. That's ...
Chow Line: Make better choices for healthier chili (for 10/3/10)
or 99 percent lean, but other types of ground poultry may have up to 15 percent fat-- the same amount ... 350 calories and 3 percent fat. Other ingredients in traditional chili offer great nutrition boosts. ...